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Daily Prayer Archive

January 16, 2021

Under your patronage, dear Mother,
and calling on the mystery of your Immaculate Conception,
I desire to pursue my studies and my labors:
I hereby solemnly declare
that I am giving myself to these studies
chiefly to the following end:
that I may better contribute to the glory of God
and to the promotion of your veneration among men.
I pray, therefore, most loving Mother,
who are the Seat of Wisdom,
to bless my labors in your loving-kindness.
Moreover I promise with true affection and a willing spirit,
as it is right that I should do,
to ascribe all the good that shall come to me therefrom,
wholly to your intercession for me
in God's holy presence.


January 15, 2021

The little drummer boy listens to the music,
concentrates on the sound,
marches in step to beat out the
rhythm on the drum.

In the same way, Lord,
help me to appreciate how precious are the
moments of stillness You give me each day,
so that I can listen to You in my heart,
and keep in step with You.
Help me to learn
from the wisdom of a child.


— By Columban Fr. Patrick Sayles

January 14, 2021

Lord, Your Spirit has been poured
into my heart, making me a child of God.
Help me to see every person
as my brother and sister,
and show deep respect and love.

January 13, 2021

When I look at Your heavens,
according to my own lights,
with these weak eyes of mine,
I am certain with reservation
that they are Your heavens.
The stars circle in the heavens,
reappear year after year,
each with a function and service to fulfill.
And though I do not understand them,
I know that You, O God, are in them.

January 12, 2021

As we read in the psalm, “The Lord is kind
and merciful. And slow to anger.”
Never let me forget the gifts you,
Lord, have given me, the mercy
you have shown me, the forgiveness
you continue to offer me despite
my weaknesses and failures.
Help me to witness to your goodness
by sharing my gifts, showing others your mercy,
and most of all and most difficult of all
forgiving those who have offended me.

January 11, 2021

Good and Gracious God,
guide us to live in harmony
during this time of the coronavirus.

Please grant us strength and courage
to be flexible and adapt
to the necessary changes
for the health and well-being  
of our friends, neighbors and families.

We ask this in the name of
Jesus Christ, Our Lord.  


— By a Columban Missionary

January 10, 2021

God of grace and glory,
you call us with your voice of flame
to be your people, faithful and courageous.
As your beloved Son
embraced his mission in the waters of baptism,
inspire us with the fire of your Spirit
to join in his transforming work.
We ask this in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


January 9, 2021

Lord you deliver me time after time
from my weakness and sinful deeds.
Sometimes I judge too quickly
and disregard the feelings of others.
Then I realize that you Lord can bring good
out of my misdeeds.
I can see that you are purifying me
and helping me realize how much I depend
on your gift of grace and forgiveness.
Help me to bring your peace and compassion
to those I will interact with today.

— By a Columban Missionary

January 8, 2021

Dear Jesus,
Like the apostles who were in a boat on that stormy Sea of Galilee,
we are feeling alone, uncertain, tired and afraid.
Do not let waves of dread swamp us.
Do not let the howling wind of bad news drown out your voice.
Give us ears and hearts attentive to your voice when you say to us,
“Do not fear, it is I.”

— Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

January 7, 2021

Excite in our hearts, O Raymond!
that sincere compunction,
which is the condition required of us
when we seek our pardon in the Sacrament of Penance.
Make us understand both the grievousness of mortal sin,
which separates us from our God for all eternity,
and the dangers of venial sin,
which disposes the tepid soul to fall into mortal sin.
Pray, that there may abound in the Church
men filled with charity and learning,
who may exercise that sublime ministry of healing souls.

January 6, 2021

Lord, you have chosen Brother André
to spread devotion to Saint Joseph,
and to dedicate himself
to all those who are poor and afflicted.
Grant us the grace
to imitate his piety and charity,
so that, with him,
we may share the reward promised
to all who care for their neighbors out of love for you.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus the Lord.


January 5, 2021

O Jesus, who on earth commanded and practiced a hidden life,
grant that in these our days of pride
and outward display the example of your servant John Neumann
may lead us to follow Your humble ways.
Grant, O Lord, that like your holy bishop
we may do all our works with the pure intention of pleasing You,
and let not our deeds be done to win the favor of others
but to give glory to our Father in heaven.
We thank you that our fellow citizen and devoted missionary bishop
is recognized among the saints of Your Church in Heaven,
and we beseech You, O Lord, to glorify him on earth
by granting the favors we ask through his intercession.


January 4, 2021

Lord Jesus,
Who was born for us in a stable,
lived for us a life of pain and sorrow,
and died for us upon a cross;
say for us in the hour of death,
"Father, forgive,"
and to Your Mother,
"Behold your child."
Say to us,
"This day you shall be with Me in paradise."
Dear Savior, leave us not, forsake us not.
We thirst for You, Fountain of Living Water.
Our days pass quickly along,
soon all will be consummated for us.
To Your hands we commend our spirits,
now and forever.


January 3, 2021

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew You,
before you were born I dedicated You…”
We can say the same is true for us.
The Lord has chosen each one of us
for a special purpose.
At times we feel at a loss.
We think the Lord is absent.
Does the Lord really care?
Then we remember that the Lord has delivered us
and preserves us for that special calling.
Even when things are not going well
I wait for you, Lord.
I am confident that your kindness
will follow me wherever I go and that with You
I can accomplish what You dedicated me for.

— By a Columban Missionary

January 2, 2021

St. Gregory, you are known for your zeal
for the Catholic faith, love of liturgy,
and compassion and mercy toward those in need.
Please help and guide us
so that we may share in these virtues
and thereby bring Jesus into the hearts
of our families and all we encounter.
We especially ask for blessings on our parish family,
our priests and our deacons.

I also ask that you graciously intercede for me before God
so that I might be granted the special assistance
and graces that I seek
Help me to live as a faithful child of God
and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven.

St. Gregory the Great, pray for us.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984