The dawn has broken through
The fears and snares of darkness
Are shattered, scattered, put to rout
Hold your head up high, oh man,
And taste the sweetness of morn.
Behold, she’ll rise far to the East
Strong and gentle in silence.
Rejoice, oh man, your freedom’s nigh
The wiles, the winter, snares and shackles are no more
The world bursts forth and nature round takes up its song
My God, my God, how great you are
For He has set me free.
The lush and fragrant misty dawn
Bejeweled awaits her rising sun
Whilst the morning star retires in silence
Without fanfare, her job well done
And Mother Earth enfolds us all
And bids us drink from her abundant breasts
The nectar of new life in deed
And to proclaim – He is great indeed
For He has set me free.
And I race up to the hill
And shout to far and near
To wise and prudent, strong, secure and gentle, too
He is great and He is near
And He has set me free.
Full and overflowing and bursting forth enraptured free
My heart takes flight and soars upon the heights
No eyes to sight except on high
And far below its beauties are
But just a pale reflection of His presence sure
Ever far yet ever near
Beckoning to me, on and on
He is great and now I’m free.
Columban Fr. Michael (Rufus) Halley came from Killotteran, Waterford, Ireland, where he was born in 1944. After ordination, he was appointed to the Philippines and, with the exception of two years in Britain (1991-93), he spent his mission life working to bringing peace to a troubled Christian-Muslim community in Mindanao in the southern Philippines. When returning from a meeting, his life was violently ended August 28, 2001. Fr. Rufus is buried at Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.