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For Father Donal

Eyes clenched,
I conjure your grave,
White above Boyne grasses,
Stone processing
Like acolytes.
All questions buried,

April 2, 2018

An Excerpt from a Missionary Diary

Last night Fr. Theo and I decided to visit separate Indo-Fijian families in the same settlement about five miles from town. We borrowed the parish van. I dropped him off at the family which was hosting the mandali (prayer meeting), promising to pick him up later that night. I drove about a mile further and climbed a steep

Fr. Frank Hoare April 2, 2018

Who Can Really See?

Archbishop Petero Mataca confirmed about 50 young people at Nabala (Fiji) today. As part of the preparation we priests had invited Beniamino, a blind dau ni vucu (composer) from Bua Vou Village to teach a meke (group dance). He stayed with us for about six weeks. I noticed that each time he

Fr. Frank Hoare March 1, 2018
Filipino journalists escort the coffin of slain news reporter Alex Balcoba during his funeral in metro Manila, Philippines June 1, 2016.

Journalists Risk Death for the Truth

Journalists, writers, reporters, commentators will just have to curb their passion for speaking and exposing the truth if they want to continue to live. Too many end up a corpse in a cold dark morgue, silence their only companion. That is just the way it is in the Philippines and elsewhere.

Shay Cullen March 1, 2018

The Piglet that Wouldn't Grow

I did a funeral in a small village near Dogoru a few months ago. The villagers very generously offered me some mats, dalo (an edible root similar to taro) and a live piglet. The mats could be sold for the parish and the priests and sisters could eat the dalo but what to do with the piglet?

Fr. Frank Hoare February 1, 2018


You snubbed me and the others laughed.
You were right in what you said
But were wrong in the sneering way you said it
And smoothly packaged it in an oily smile.   
You hypocrite.

Fr. Dermot Carthy February 1, 2018

I Was Ready for Battle

There was a frantic voice at the end of the phone.  “Fr. Peter our Filipino friend Genalyn is sick in hospital and our Taiwan broker is going to send her back to the Philippines this afternoon.  Can you please come to the hospital to help her.”  I asked Sr.

Fr. Peter O'Neill January 2, 2018

Sharing Gospel Joy

It is with much joy and heartfelt gratitude that I, on behalf of Columban missionaries and co-workers invite you, our benefactors, your families and friends, and the people among whom we live and serve, to join us in our Centennial Year celebrations which commenced on November 23, 2017, on the Feast of St. Columban.

January 2, 2018


In the middle of the night, with the wedding guests gathered around, the groom is led to a specially-prepared canopy. There, he is seated, facing north. A short time later, his bride is led in and is seated next to him.

January 2, 2018
Irish settlement Monasterboice and St. Muiradach's High Cross

We Remember

Last year, I was visiting Monasterboice, an Irish monastic settlement that dates back to the fifth century, with a group of Australian pilgrims who were on pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Columban.

December 1, 2017

Advent Reflection: Running to Stand Still

“This Advent season invites us to gently prepare our hearts to receive the Son of God.”

Columban Sr. Redempta Twomey December 1, 2017

My Friend Matthew

During the years between 1972 and 1975, I was pastor of a parish in Seoul, Korea. On Friday mornings I would go to a large prison nearby to visit the death row prisoners. Among the prisoners that I would visit there was one whose name was Matthew who was a very happy go lucky individual.

Fr. Charles O'Rourke November 1, 2017


Leprosy - that dreadful word
causing terror in the heart
bad enough to live with rotting flesh
but even worse to be among the living dead
cut off from relatives, friends, community

By Fr. Cyril Lovett November 1, 2017
Columban Fr. Chris Saenz

Welcome Fr. Chris Saenz

Fr. Chris Saenz is a native of Bellevue, Nebraska, and belongs to the Missionary Society of St. Columbans (commonly known as the Columban Fathers).  He never felt a priesthood vocation when he was young.  In reality, Fr. Saenz did not participate much in the Church during his youth.  However, at the age of 21 he had a conversion experience after reading the book, The Song of Bernadette.  That was the first time he began to feel a priesthood vocation which, at first, he rejected. 

November 1, 2017


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984