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Cheers for Christ!

Na yacamu? Na yacaqu, O Jinky mai, Philippines. What is your name? This is the common question I used to hear and the common answer I used to say every time I meet people in the village of Navatuyaba, Toga, in Rewa province Fiji where I am having my exposure for language and culture.

By Evangeline "Jinky" Ucol
May 13, 2020

Good Friday in China

Since I was appointed to mission in China I have been constantly asked what kind of ministry I have been involved in given that mission activity is banned in China. Due to a number of restrictions placed on foreign missionaries, I cannot be involved in parish ministry.

By Fr. Kwon Dae-mun
May 11, 2020

Rise Up and Walk

In the Gospel we hear how Jesus performed a miracle by saying to the paralyzed man, “Rise up and walk!” Today He continues to work the same miracle, maybe not directly, but through the intervention of people like us.

By Columban Fr. John Boles
May 6, 2020

The Paradox of Abundance

A good friend of mine, a religious Sister, served on the missions in Ethiopia during a terrible famine there. A year or two later she found herself back in the United States speaking to various groups, sometimes to Catholic schoolchildren, about her mission experience. She felt herself becoming angry when she would see the children emptying perfectly good sandwiches and fruits into the trash. She was smart and selfreflective and realized the kids had not seen the poverty and desperation she had seen, so she knew she had to work on her own feelings.

But, of course, as much as it may have been unfair to judge the kids harshly, she was not wrong about the issue of food. A few months back Pope Francis said that a negligent and selfish culture of food waste is fueling the global hunger crisis, damaging the lives of individuals and preventing the progress of all people.

By Fr. John Burger
May 1, 2020

Feeling Thankful

I responded to my baptismal call to become a lay missionary with the Columbans in 2017. I can still remember how my heart was pounding with joy as I signed my agreement even though I was aware that there would be uncertainties on the road ahead as I embarked on my mission journey to Fiji.

By Lily Faunillan
May 1, 2020

Prayer Experience

After I qualified as a veterinarian, I volunteered to work on an agricultural project in South Korea for two years which was started by Columban Fr. P.J. McGlinchey. While attending Sunday Mass the time went very slowly. Not having any Korean, I sat, stood and kneeled in silence. I was familiar with most of the Mass, but the readings changed every week, as well as the sermon. I didn’t understand a word, so I just presumed it was different every week.

By Fr. Michael Riordan
May 1, 2020
Walk for Creation

Settling In

In August last year, I arrived at St. John the Apostle Parish in Natovi, Fiji, to begin my ministry, where, among other things I would help facilitate church programs, village activities, and bi-monthly Mass visitations.

By Lily Faunillan
April 27, 2020

Aging in Pakistan

“How old are you?” is a question that I’m very often asked in Pakistan, and when I tell my age, 75, the response is something like, “You look very fresh,” or “You’re still young.” But then, when I travel by bus or train, people will often say, “Let the old man sit down,” or “Can I help you, Baba

By Fr. Joseph Joyce
April 20, 2020

God Lights My Path

My name is Uakeia Tawaia, and I come from the Kiribati Islands. In 2016, I was studying Accounting at the Kiribati Institute of Technology (KIT) and was focused on completing my studies and finding a good job. There was no thought in my mind of becoming a missionary priest.

By Uakela Tawala
April 13, 2020

Youth Cross Walk 2019

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, or Udang Poi, is a huge celebration in the Diocese of Myitkyina, Myanmar (formerly Burma), which attracts thousands of people from all over the country.

By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala
April 6, 2020
Arlene (center) with other lay missionaries in Korea

Giving Honor

Every day in our lives we meet people of various ages and from different backgrounds. Many of them we don’t know but some of them we get to know and interact with. And maybe, in one way or the other, whether we know them personally or not, certain people make an impact on our life.

By Arlene Villahermosa
March 30, 2020

Pakistan Revisited

After completing my six year term as Regional Director for the Columbans in Ireland I had the opportunity to pay a return visit to Pakistan where I had worked for a number of years. Columban Fr. Tomas King and my classmate Columban Fr.

By Fr. Patrick Raleigh
March 23, 2020

Mountain Mission

It started, really, with an invitation from catechist Tobia to come and talk about the Marian Movement of Priests. I checked with the pastor, Fr.

By Fr. Donal McIlraith
March 16, 2020

Develop a Merciful Heart

Strolling along the path, I turned a corner and suddenly my eye caught a statue. At first, I was unsure if the figure was male or female, human or angelic, but its pose was striking and attractive. One arm was outstretched, holding a crown.

By Fr. Timothy Mulroy
March 9, 2020


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984