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Immigrants and refugees, just like Joseph, Mary and Jesus, do not want to leave home and familiar surroundings.

Old Story, New Ways

Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left that night for Egypt, where they stayed until the death of Herod.

Fr. Bobby Gilmore

January 15, 2018

Love Is a Place

I used to really find it difficult to understand that my father and my mother loved me for who I am. I struggled growing up because I always feel I have to prove myself that I am the best son they could ever have. And the irony is that I am the only son.

Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

January 8, 2018

The Stable of Inner Self

I have mixed feelings reflecting on my experience of learning the Chinese Mandarin language. This includes happiness, sadness and confusion. By the end of this semester, I will be finishing up with full-time language studies.

Jihyun Kim

January 2, 2018
Fr. Taemoon visits Yang Ai

Christmas Gift

I am Taemoon Kwon, a Korean Columban who was ordained a priest in 2010. Currently I am working in China. My main ministry is to share with Chinese Sisters and priests about spiritual direction and retreats and to look for Columban vocations. 

Fr. Taemoon Kwon

December 22, 2017
I am more ready to welcome Christ in my heart.

The Meaning of Christmas

When I was asked to write about the meaning of Christmas for a newsletter for Columban lay missionaries, I wished to share with other missionaries about something special or unique which others never imagined.

Minah Seo

December 20, 2017
It is in the spirit of Christmas that we invite members from different religions to join us.

Christmas in Myanmar

As I prepare for Christmas this year, my thoughts are with the people of Myanmar with whom I have celebrated Christmas since 2007. I lived in a community in Mandalay.

Sr. Margaret Murphy

December 18, 2017
Christmas in the Andes

Christmas in the Andes

Where will the Christmas Festival for the communities be held this year?" asked Carolina, the Coordinator of the active Christian community of Chosicani, one of 20 Christian communities that make up the rural parish of Combapata.

Fr. Donald Hornsey

December 15, 2017
From left, Roi Twang, Ma Naw and Zau Ing

The Holy Family of Today

On behalf of all the patients that we minister to daily I want to say a very sincere "thank you." Your support and prayers have reached out to many, many poor and struggling people. These are the people who have very little of this world's trappings but who awaken each day knowing that survival is overshadowing every movement and choice they make.

Sr. Mary Dillon

December 13, 2017
Christ set an example of living by how He lived His life.

The Work of Christmas

Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981) was an American writer who has left us with powerful thoughts and insights about Christmas. In his book, "The Mood of Christmas and Other Celebrations," he wrote these stirring words:

Fr. Gary Walker

December 11, 2017
Christ has a home in my heart

The Baby Got a Home

When I joined the Columban Lay Missionary orientation program in 2002, I knew that my decision entailed a lot of letting go. I knew that there will be special occasions at home that I would miss.

Ben Sabado

December 8, 2017

Filipino Christmas

For millions of Filipinos, Christmas is a celebration of the family. They come together from around the world; they delight in the togetherness and sharing of respect. They honor the aged, bless the children, and feed the hungry.

Fr. Don Kill

December 6, 2017
Christmas is happy and joyful for those saved and healed

Christmas Day Is for Children

I am standing in the center of the spacious main hall, the atrium, of the new Preda children's home for girls. The light from the transparent roof throws its soft and gentle light on the children playing nosily, shouting in glee.

Fr. Shay Cullen

December 4, 2017
In So Many Words

In So Many Words

I was reading a Biblical reflection when word came that my niece's baby had just been born. The author of the reflection pointed out that the first sound we hear in the Bible is God breathing in the darkness. My thoughts wandered to my niece's baby breathing in the darkness for nine months.

December 1, 2017

Mission Memories

They come at evening, scenes from far away, The bitter-sweet of absence and of love, When memory opens her halls of yesterday, And draws her shuttered curtains from above.

Taken from the poem Mission Memories by Columban Fr. John McFadden (1894 – 1978), these lines capture his bittersweet mood as he prepares to celebrate Christmas back home in the U.S. after many years in foreign mission lands. During the long December evenings, memories of Christmas celebrations in those far away places flood his heart, bringing joy and sadness, tears and smiles.

As Christmas approaches, many people have similar experiences. At unexpected moments, memories of a childhood Christmas gift

By Fr. Tim Mulroy December 1, 2017


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984