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My Vocation Is Love

Not long ago I dared to follow a so called "dream," a dream that became reality when one day I found myself in a place different from my home.

By Monalisa Esteban

October 15, 2018
Fr. Kurt with youth ministry leaders

My Favorite Places

When I was ordained a deacon and later a priest, I worked with young people in one parish in the Philippines. One of my favorite places was the parish youth ministry office. There I was able to meet young people and listen to their stories — of struggles, hurts and rejections.

By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

October 10, 2018

Sharing Christ

God is always leading us in every step of our journey. But there are times that we do not recognize His presence because of situations that separate us from Him. This is what I remember every time I find it difficult to understand the things happening in my life.

By Gilda Comayas

October 8, 2018

The Columban Centennial Altar Cloth

The next day was more adventurous. Fr. Nilton drove us to Navala, a traditional Catholic village in the mountains over Ba. We got to the bridge just outside the village at 9:30 a.m. A raging torrent kept us from driving over it.

By Columban Missionaries in Fiji

October 3, 2018

Where God Leads

As a teenager Ned Galvin enjoyed seeking out adventure with his friends. During one of their hunting escapades, he threw a lasso over a neighbor's cat that was darting across a roof and pulled him to the ground.

By Fr. Tim Mulroy October 2, 2018
In So Many Words

In So Many Words

This year we recall with gratitude the living faith of Columbans and others that has shaped our individual journeys and that of our Society for our first 100 years of mission to the world. Individually, we celebrate our own journeys of striving to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

By Fr. Peter Woodruff

October 1, 2018

Come the Weekend

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? (Psalm 24)

By Fr. Noel O'Neill

September 24, 2018
Columban Frs. Barry Cairns (right) and Leo Schumaker (left) in front of the window

Christ Walks with Us on Our Journey of Life

Columban history in the Japan mission is behind this stained glass window of the Risen Christ. In 1979, the architect of the new headquarters for the then almost 100 Columbans in Japan commissioned stained glass artist Hideo Matsuda to create Stations of the Cross for the new chapel.

By Fr. Barry Cairns

September 17, 2018

Something to Declare

It is interesting to watch those television programs that deal with people passing through customs as they return from holidays or family visits abroad.

By Fr. Bobby Gilmore

September 10, 2018
Faith and formation in Fiji

The Bougainvillea Flower

We had our retreat in Nadi Ashram in May 2014. During our retreat I was passing by the road from the house where I stayed to the dining hall, along the way I saw a beautiful bougainvillea. Despite being a very old tree with few leaves on it, I was struck by the beautiful flowers it had.

By Liezl Ladaran

September 3, 2018

Acts of Love and Kindness

In my opinion love and kindness are the two words that most clearly express the life of Jesus.

By Kim Jung-Woong Bosco

August 30, 2018
The Mission of the Trinity

The Mission of the Trinity

An African saying is my reminder: "If I go alone I go faster. If I go with others I go farther." This year, I hope to go a little farther so here is a reflection on a key moment in the life of Jesus – His call to mission within the Trinity. It is our call to Columban mission too.

By Sr. Kathleen Coyle

August 27, 2018
Fr. John and Josè

A Tale of Two Brothers

Sometimes you come across a bond of love that makes you feel really humble. This is what happened to me when I met Josè and David.

By Fr. John Boles

August 20, 2018
Peter singing with some of his HEC classmates as backup

Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow

I am Peter, and I am a third year student at Columban Fr. Neil Magill's Higher Education Center [HEC] in Mandalay, Myanmar (formerly Burma). We get two weeks holiday during the academic year, but most of the 90 students at the HEC cannot go home.

By Peter, as told to Columban Fr. Neil Magill

August 13, 2018


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984