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December 2018


In my past ministry which was in Ireland, I had on numerous occasions listened to migrant workers share their stories. Some were wonderful and inspiring but sadly some were not so happy. I have witnessed some of their successes and some their failures.

By Gracia Kibad

January 28, 2019

The Faith of Mrs. Kim

When I lived in Hallim on Jeju Island I knew two delightful old people, namely Mrs. and Mr. Kim. I came to know them through the Isidore Development Association's Social Welfare Apostolate for the Aged, for which I worked. At that time the couple was taking care of their son, Tae Gyu, and his young son, whose mother

By Sr. Elizabeth Taaffe

January 21, 2019

Where the Wheels Fall Off the Yuletide Trolley

When the angels went away from them to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. (Luke 2:15-20)

By Fr. Jack Evans

January 16, 2019

Where There Is a Filipino Family ...

Way back in 1983, I was sent as a lay missionary to the United Kingdom under the auspices of the Columban Fathers in the Philippines. The purpose of the program was to share our experiences of the Philippine Church with the English Church and be able to get some of their "churchness" in return.

By Maria Elena Venzon-Wood

January 14, 2019

Living a Meaningful Life with Missionaries

Life itself is a blessing. You will never know what it will bring, but you'll always be sure that whatever life may offer, it will be for the best. Life is easy because of the Love of our God. His Grace and guidance are constantly available for us.

by Maria Cieleen D. Lambampa

January 7, 2019

Call and Response

I am presently working in the Catholic Diocese Hsinchu Migrants and Immigrants Service Center (HMISC). I chose this ministry not because it's very near to our apartment but because I felt a call to work with the migrants.

By Marea Lyn Almiranex

January 2, 2019

The Joy of Christmas

The joy of Christmas is for everyone – for those who are faithful, loving and giving; for those who are indifferent or hostile; for those who have turned away and walk no more to the stable at Bethlehem. The Child comes for all.

By Columban Sr. Redempta Twomey

December 24, 2018

Desert Christmas

Greetings to ALL! I hope all is well. Just a few thoughts to share as we celebrate Advent and prepare for Christmas!

By Fr. Tomás King

December 20, 2018

Christmas Greetings from Pakistan

Greetings to you from the "land of the pure" which is the meaning of the word Pakistan. I hope this finds you and your loved ones well and in good health. It is hard to believe that another year is almost over. I would like to share with you some of this year's happenings for me.

By Fr. Liam O'Callahan

December 17, 2018

Remembering God's Love

Christmas is a celebration of hope and joy as we remember the birth of Jesus, the ultimate gift God has given us out of His infinite love for us. It is with gratitude that I look back on how God continues to show His love for us.

By Jhoanna Resari

December 12, 2018

Christmas Values for All

You don't have to be a Christian to believe in the values of Christmas. They are universal. They uphold the human dignity and right of every human being irrespective of religion, race or status.

By Fr. Shay Cullen

December 10, 2018

Advent Reflection

The season of Advent gives us an opportunity to prepare ourselves for the coming of our savior in our lives. Unless we recognize our need for God we won't appreciate what advent season is all about.

By Fr. Erl Dylan Tabaco

December 4, 2018

An Example to Follow

It was Christmas Eve night and Fr. Charlie O'Rourke was alone in the rectory in his parish in South Korea when he thought he heard a knock on the back door. "No, I must have imagined it" he mused, "because the parishioners always come to the front door." However, when he heard a second knock, he went to open it, despite feeling uneasy.

Standing outside in the dark, a stranger introduced himself as Joseph. "Then, I'm assuming your wife is Mary!" Fr. Charlie replied with a small grin and a large degree of skepticism. "Yes!" said the stranger, obviously surprised and delighted, and with that a woman stepped into the narrow shaft of light. Since Fr. Charlie didn't recognize

By Fr. Tim Mulroy December 1, 2018

In So Many Words

As I was preparing to move from Sydney to Melbourne to take up the new role of Regional Director of the Australia/New Zealand Columban region I reflected on the many occasions I have had to pack up and move on in my missionary life.

By Fr. Brian Vale

December 1, 2018

About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984